A hint at what October Glow Boxes are all about

A hint at what October Glow Boxes are all about

Do you ever come across certain people in your life who just seem to... glow?

They always have glowing skin, more energy, joy, and an overall radiance that seems unattainable. Well, I'm here to say that achieving that glow is easier than it seems, and this box gives you all the tools you need to increase your natural glow - which is what we all need after a long winter stuck inside, and to prepare for the silly season.

New brands, skin protection and UV free natural sun tones for your skin... sound good? 

How much?
🍃 Body Box from $12 per week  (with over $100 of value inside) 
🍃 Body Plus Box from $14 per week (with over $120 of value inside)
🍃 Body Luxe Box $17.50 per week (with over $150 of value inside) 

3 Tips for increasing your 'Glow'

1.Repair & maintain your moisture barrier

Feel like no matter how much moisturiser you use, your skin is still dry? This may have nothing to do with your moisturiser and everything to do with your moisture barrier! If you have a compromised moisture barrier, you may notice your skin is dry, irritated and has tiny bumps along the surface. You may also find you break out often as your skin is overproducing oil to compensate! Repairing your moisture barrier is key to healthy, hydrated skin.

2. Increase energy

Increased productivity throughout the day and not feeling exhausted by 8pm... seems like a distant dream right?? Keeping your gut and brain healthy makes a huge difference to your day, increasing your inner glow. But, we know that isn't super easy to achieve as preparing healthy meals takes time. Luckily, we have included a few treats to help with that! 

3. Prevent pigmentation and premature ageing

You are feeling good, you've achieved a glowing complexion, but after one day out in the sun or after a crazy summer season, all progress is gone! The best way to ensure your skin stays glowing is by protecting your skin from the elements and any premature ageing with plenty of SPF and antioxidants.

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