It’s me again! Wondering what I’ve been up to lately? Supplier hunting!
I've been searching high and low to find AMAZING NZ brands to share with you all. There are so many amazing New Zealand brands around and I get so excited to share their beautiful products with you all. I troll the internet high and low to search out wonderful brands who want you to experience their product for yourself too.
The rejections can feel awkward but when you find those beautiful suppliers that understand your process and that want people to experience their products it’s a unique type of high.
The chat can be hilarious, super life bringing, or very abrupt and disheartening. At the end of the day people will do what they want and I can’t change that. I just have to remember the gems that give me the time of the day and carry on.
If you haven’t pick it up yet… I like to talk! A lot… Unless my kids have kept me up all night, then is more like incoherent babble. Anyway… Let me know what you would like to hear more about? What blogs would you like to see? What boxes would you like to have available.
Till next time,