Recently, I had the chance to chat with the wonderful Kat from Kawakawa Rotorua. After only a few short weeks since our September boxes have been sent, we are receiving loads of great feedback about their Kawakawa Balm and Kawakawa Bathsalts. It seems however, that we are not the only ones receiving good feedback, Kat and her team have been inundated with orders for their all-natural healing products. The reason for this is simple. It works.
The beauty of Kawakawa, aside from its all natural properties, is that is an active healer. Kat has grown up around the powers of this native plant, her Grandmother used to apply the leaves to cuts and scrapes on her mokupuna. When her grandchildren went on to have babies of their own, the balm was brewed up to help with the pain & cracked nipples that go along with breast feeding. The kawakawa is ok for the breast and ok for the baby, and its effectiveness meant requests were coming in from friends and family to start buying the balm.
So what does Kawakawa balm work on? Skin ailments including eczema, psoriasis, cuts, stretch marks, and it can even be used on dogs… yep that’s right. For decades kawakawa has been used to heal the paws of injured puppies and dogs. So it really is good for the whole family!!
In 2008 they were only too happy to give the product away to those who had heard about it, but as things started to get a bit crazy, they decided to sit down and discuss the potential for taking the product and developing a business. In 2012 things got serious when Kat and Tarns took the leap of faith and started Kawakawa Rotorua. With a passion for their products, and a plan to make their family proud, they have been steadily increasing both online sales ever since.
If you are looking for a natural alternative to skin creams and oat baths, this balm is a life changer. The team behind the brand are most humbled by the feedback received both since starting their business, and being included in our September boxes and we look forward to watching them over the next year while the explore the export markets, & get their products into the hands of even more deserving recipients.
Shop <<HERE>> for more amazing Kawakawa Rotorua treats...