With all the uncertainty surrounding the world, our beautiful country and the well being of our people we are hoping this beauty of a box gives you something to look forward this month. Anti aging April has been carefully curated to help slow and reduced the physical signs of ageing and with the lock down there is no better time to take a little extra care of ourselves or start some good self care routines.
So clean your skin, take the makeup off, hydrate with great natural products and let your skin breathe while you are in the comfort of your home, we have all seen in the media that our planet is healing during this time so why not use this lock down to heal our face and body as well.

Unfortunately, thinning eyelashes are part of the aging process and so as we age lash follicles can slow so if you don't seem to have the same length and fullness as you once did or if you just want to add the extra volume then start using Arture's new False Lash Effect, Lash growth serum. Formulated to visibility improve lash length and density, this 100% natural peptide based growth serum stimulates the growth of your eyelashes Within weeks you will start to see the amazing results with visibility longer and fuller lashes by applying a small amount of this lash growth serum to the roots of your lashes once a day. RRP $49.95
Facially yours' facial serum is referred to as "liquid youth" by Nudi Point and you'll see why once you start using it because the signs of ageing doesn't stand a chance with this serum and it was why it was a no brainier to add this to this months box. Using truly anti ageing ingredients extremely rich in beneficial nutrients and antioxidants this serum will surely become your best friend. RRP $49.00
With all the extra hand washing and sterilizing of our hands at the moment this hydrating hand creme by Rata and Co could not come at a better time. Enriched with Lavender and Argan Oil your hands will be nourished and restored in no time. This is the perfect time to remind yourself that while you are at home washing your hands with soap and water is the ideal way to protect you and your family from virsus and try to leave the sanitiser for when you are out and about so now dry hands are no longer a situational or aging issue.

Aprils anti aging box also contains Mia Belles facial cleaner bar, 2 eye masks from by nature and a body loafer from Nudi Point so what are you waiting for, aging just got a whole lot better and we all need something to look forward to this month.